Halley Informatica Srl
Mechanics News - April 2018
interview Francesco Ciccolini - Machine Vision department manager
Artificial vision system and 3D robot guide Halley Machine Vision (Matelica - MC) was founded in 2012 as a reality. specialized in the design of artificial vision systems, dedicated to quality control; and flexible industrial automation. The company directly realizes its systems, with full control of the know-how of application and software development. By integrating the best products on the market today, it is able to respond to the needs of productivity; repeatability, accuracy, flexibility and customer management. Peculiaritie also transmitted to visitors to MECSPE, where Halley presented some of its own solutions including Ra.ze. (Rational Gaze). & laquo; We are talking explains the Machine Vision department manager Francesco Ciccolini an integrated software that assists all the components necessary to execute artificial vision applications and three-dimensional robot guide. A relatively complex technology that makes a unique and integrated system available to those who make automation and robotics. We memorize options it undoubtedly reduces installation time and a series of potential risks related to the possible lack of experience with these systems. Available in three different licenses, depending on the complexity; of the project to be developed, the software able to manage and coordinate the 3D reconstruction sensors and 3D localization with the robot. Other key features are the calibration between the robot and the vision system, the communication with the PLC and the robot itself, as well as the possibility to use sensors in a single system and parallel execution of vision processes. At its third participation in MECSPE, the company believes the event is a key event in terms of visibility. An appointment for us important concludes Ciccolini in which we have found great interest among the insiders and, above all, that will allow us to develop very interesting contacts for our business.